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Hanging ARCHES® papers up to dry with clothes pegs

The Arches paper mill is renowned the world over for its top-of-the-range papers made on a cylinder mould.

But did you know how the paper was traditionally dried?

In these photos, you can see sheets of ARCHES® paper hung up like washing to air dry:

Hanging ARCHES® papers
Hanging ARCHES® papers
Hanging ARCHES® papers

A collector’s item

ARCHES® has just brought out a revisited version of the iconic wooden clothes peg as a reminder of this artisan manufacturing method. You can be sure it will appeal to the artists and art printers who use our papers, as a charming way to embellish their workshop.

pince en bois ARCHES

True to its values, ARCHES® has chosen the craftsmen of a local firm to produce this iconic object. Bailly is a family firm based in the Jura mountains in France since 1950. Headed by three generations of the same family, the company continues to this day to perpetuate the same values as it always has: tradition, modernity and quality.

The wood used is beech and comes from responsibly managed forests in the Jura.

Wooden objects made in the Jura | BAILLY (

Contact your local dealer to find out how to get one of these fine objects.

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