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Sarcelles International Engraving Biennial, from 27 November to 12 December 2021


The city of Sarcelles, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, presents the 20th edition of the Sarcelles International Engraving Biennial, from 27 November to 12 December 2021

The Sarcelles International Engraving Biennial is an unmissable event in the art world. This 20th edition is curated by Jean-Pierre Tanguy, artist and honorary professor of the engraving department of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris, and Jean-Paul Le Provost, painter and engraver, form Director of the Ecole d’Art Janine Haddad.

They have selected 250 artists and 450 engravings. 34 countries are represented. Visitors will appreciate the cultural diversity and dynamic creativity of the artists whose work is on display.

© Sabine DELAHAUT – Piedad – Fantasmas de Guernica, photo Jean-Yves Lacôte

The Biennial in 5 highlights

The general section presents a selection of works by the best French and international engravers. Among them, promising talents to discover from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts and Ecole Estienne in Paris. In parallel, 5 other exhibitions highlight different themes:

1) Spotlight on engravers from the Mediterranean Basin

The Biennial usually pays tribute to one country. For this 20th edition, it was decided that it would celebrate the entire Mediterranean Basin: the show features 58 contemporary engravers from 17 countries.

© Ozan BILGINER – Untitled, photo Jean-Yves Lacôte

2) Rachid Koraïchi, guest of honour

© Rachid KORAICHI – Albert Camus, photo Jean-Yves Lacôte


© Rachid KORAICHI – Cheikh Sidi Ahmed, photo Jean-Yves Lacôte

The engraving selected to illustrate the Biennial poster, entitled “Le jardin d’Afrique” is by Algerian artist Rachid Koraïchi. It refers to an eponymous garden cemetery built in Tunisia to provide a dignified final resting place for migrants who died at sea.

Rachid Koraïchi is an engraver, but also a painter, sculptor, video maker and universal, politically engaged writer. 19 of his works are exhibited, inviting the public to discover this research on signs and scripts.

3) Carte blanche to Canada, Colombia, India, Japan, Poland and Slovakia

Slovakia is taking part in the Biennial for the first time. Worthy of note in this collection, a collective work created during lockdown by 44 Colombian artists.

© Shambo FERNEY – Cosas de casa 1 – las cuentas, photo Jean-Yves Lacôte

4) Tribute to Bruno Mathon and Krishan Ahuja

A special tribute is paid this year to two talented engravers recently carried away by the Covid-19 pandemic: Bruno Mathon, art critic and painter-engraver and Indian engraver Krishan Ahuja.

5) Visit to the engraving workshop at Ecole d’Art Janine Haddad

Ecole d’Art Janine Haddad, Sarcelles’ school of visual arts, offers engraving workshops teaching a variety of techniques such as drypoint, linocut, intaglio printmaking, mezzotint, carborundum etching, collagraphy, aqua fortis, aquatint, woodcut, burin. It is open to children, teenager and adults of all ages.

ARCHES® is a partner of this event, through its distributor Antalis.

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