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Environmental protection, a matter of sustainable determination!


A new environmental certification and a world first

A new international certification now rewards ARCHES®’s constant commitment to the protection of the environment and sustainable development. The Arches paper mill has long included socially and environmentally responsible practices in its manufacturing process. We can point to examples such as water management and purification.  In keeping with those commitments ARCHES® has recently earned SCS Recycled Content certification.

This certification has been awarded to ARCHES® by SCS Global Services, pioneer and leader in the field of sustainability standards since 1984. It offers consumers an essential guarantee: a  rigorous control framework encouraging innovation in environmental protection served by permanent independent assessment. SCS certification measures the percentage of recycled content in an objective and argued manner, thereby guaranteeing the accuracy of the information used to promote the product on its market.

SCS Global Services certification – Arches Papers (

The kingfisher is SCS’s mark. The presence of this bird with its colourful plumage in the wild on every continent is an indicator of environmental health. For SCS it symbolises a clear commitment to sustainability through responsible resource management and the protection of workers and communities. The Arches paper mill is proud to be the first to receive this certification and to be able to display a badge that represents the unity of all those who contribute to sustainable, environmentally friendly production.

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