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ARCHES® Platine paper

La carta ARCHES Platine per tirature fotografiche alternative perfette

La carta ARCHES® Platine possiede tutte le qualità necessarie per realizzare magnifiche tirature fotografiche con procedimenti alternativi. Questi ultimi richiedono una carta di alta qualità per ottenere risultati ottimali. La carta ARCHES® Platine è il punto di riferimento per fotografi e tipografi esigenti in tutto il mondo.
Josh Hernandez - Mad Charcoal

Mad Charcoal, a very talented artist

American artist, Josh Hernandez, better known in the art world as Mad Charcoal, was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1995. He holds a BSD (Bachelor of Science in Design) from Arizona State University and currently resides in Phoenix.
Manufacture royale de Bains-les-Bains

Julie-Victoire Daubié, the first woman to pass the baccalaureate

Julie-Victoire Daubié was born in 1824 at the Manufacture Royale de Bains-les Bains in the Vosges region of France. She would become the first woman in France to be awarded the baccalaureate. This is why the French Ministry of Culture has granted this site the “Maisons des Illustres” label which recognises historic houses which preserve and transmit the memory of men and women who made distinguished contributions to the political, social and cultural history of France.
Joan Coch on Arches paper

Joan Coch, a prolific and passionate artist

Joan Coch is a Spanish artist with innate artistic skills. As a child, he already showed astonishing creative abilities, which he would go on, on to continually develop throughout his career as a professional artist in different fields: architecture, interior decoration, visual arts, painting.


Nel 2012, con la proposta di una carta appositamente dedicata alla pittura a olio, ARCHES® Huile, la Cartiera Arches ha rivoluzionato e semplificato il lavoro di molti artisti che si dedicano alla pittura a olio.
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