YOU ARCHES® Jean-Baptiste Pierrot, production planning manager at the Arches paper mill
Introduce yourself briefly
My name’s Jean-Baptiste Pierrot, I’m 44 and I’ve always lived in the beautiful department of the Vosges.
Have long have you worked for ARCHES®?
It is already seven years since I started my career at Arches.
What’s your job? What does it involve?
I’m in charge of planning the production of our papers on the different equipment in the workshop, with the aim of meeting our customers’ needs as efficiently as possible. I like knowing that we will be able to implement a customer’s project quickly.
What qualities are needed to do your job?
You need to be flexible and well organised, and also have a liking for figures.
Did you have any specific training?
I gained a DUT technical qualification in production management at college in Épinal. And then the Vosges region has a vibrant manufacturing sector offering plenty of jobs.
What does the ARCHES® brand mean to you?
My colleagues and I are very proud to be contributing to the renown of a great brand like ARCHES®. One of the finest papers in the world!
In your opinion, how do artists see the ARCHES® brand?
Our requirement for our papers to be of the very highest quality is first and foremost that of our customers. Which leads me to believe that artists love our paper.
Are you an artist yourself?
I’m very bad at drawing, but it’s fantastic to see how a sheet of ARCHES® Aquarelle magnifies a simple stroke of paint, in the way the pigments spread. It’s almost enough to convince me I have some artistic talent!
What would you like to say to the people reading this article?
Whether or not you have any virtuoso skills, don’t go virtual – draw, paint, write! Our range will rise to all your inspirations.