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87th Salon de la Société des Aquarellistes Lyonnais

The 87th edition of the Salon de la Société des Aquarellistes Lyonnais will be taking place from 12 to 28 November 2022.

The Société des Aquarellistes Lyonnais was created in 1934 after its founders Antoine Barbier, Eugène Villon and Claudius Villeton first met. It was the France’s first society of watercolourists. Ever since then, the event has been an opportunity for Lyon’s artists to exhibit their work.
At the 2022 fair, it will be possible to admire the watercolours of André Lebreux, which we present below. The pictures are painted on ARCHES® Aquarelle 300 gsm cold pressed paper.

Marée basse en Bretagne © André Lebreux

Matin de printemps en Dombes © André Lebreux

Bord du lac d’Annecy en hiver © André Lebreux

Bretagne : les goélands dans les vagues © André Lebreux

Chalets en Haute Savoie : Les Contamines-Montjoie © André Lebreux

Il a neigé en Haute Loire © André Lebreux

Le Briançonnais © André Lebreux

Vieille cour intérieure dans le Vieux lyon © André Lebreux

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