The MAGNIN-A Art Gallery presents Allegoria, the latest series of photographs by Omar Victor Diop, at Paris Photo, the international art fair held from 11 to 14 November 2021 in the Grand Palais temporary exhibition area.
At the end of September, Monaco hosted LUXE PACK, the premier international trade event in the luxury packaging field for over 30 years.
Every year, the fair brings together manufacturers of creative packaging from more than 30 different countries.
From 3 September to 13 October 2021, the public library in the small town of Arches, in partnership with ARCHES®, is organising an exhibition dedicated to the Arches paper mill and its long and fascinating history.
Our 2 new digital fine art papers, ARCHES® 88 and ARCHES® BFK RIVES® Pure White, have been selected by the Hot Ones’ buyers guide which appears in the US Professional Photographer magazine. It is a huge honor for ARCHES® to be featured in the Hot
Why number 88? 88, which we find in the watermark of this ARCHES® art publishing paper, is the code number of the Department of the Vosges in France. The town of Arches is situated in the Vosges, in the heart of a papermaking region. ARCHES®
Murmure des Mousses, written by the French author Karin Serres, is a very unusual piece of work. Aimed at babies and very young children, it consists of two French texts which can be read together or separately, depending on the child’s level of understanding.
The 12th Biennale internationale d’estampe contemporaine opened on Sunday 12 June at Trois-Rivières in Québec. Éric Fourmestraux, the French engraver, has been awarded the Desjardins prize for his installation “In Memoriam” [to the 48 Jewish children deported from the Vicq d’Azir school in the 10th arrondissement of Paris].
This exhibition at the Boléro Gallery in Versoix, in the Canton of Geneva in Switzerland, highlights artists from radically different cultural backgrounds including Australia, Italy, Switzerland, China and France. It reveals the great artistic diversity produced by the artist’s hand, ochre and paper. The exhibition is the result of a partnership between the Dialogue Céramique association and ARCHES®.
ARCHES® has decided to showcase its employees and their expertise through its new video programme YOU ARCHES®. Each quarterly episode will introduce you to an individual and allow you to get to know their job at the Arches Paper Mill, their career path, and their
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