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Maarit Häninnen

Maarit Häninnen is a 21st century portrait artist and printmaker originally from Finland. She is currently living in Amsterdam, where she discovered the gravure printing process. She has been passionate about handicrafts since her earliest childhood, but it was around the age of 20 that she started to get interested in drawing, painting and sculpture. She also works in ink on paper.  She likes to depict nature and animals, but also to represent the connection that exists today between nature and our urban environment. There is a huge amount of femininity in her works: roses, women’s hands, snakes…

Linocut on ARCHES® Expression Texture 160 gsm paper, size 50 x 65 cm.

Linocut on ARCHES® Expression Texture 160 gsm paper, size 50 x 65 cm.

This video shows the process of making this work:

Linocut is a relief printing technique. This technique owes its name to the fact that the medium is hollowed out around the drawing so that it appears in relief.

This technique is the opposite of intaglio printmaking, in that the recessed areas of the surface are not intended to be inked, unlike the part left in relief. It is similar to the woodcut technique, but it uses a particular material, linoleum.

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