YOU ARCHES® Cyril Bedez, production team leader at the Arches paper mill
Introduce yourself briefly
My name is Cyril Bedez. I’ve lived in Beauménil, a little village in the Vosges for 10 years.
Have long have you worked for ARCHES®?
I’ve been working at Arches for 20 years.
What is your job and what does it involve?
I’m a production team leader. My job is to take the raw pulp and make a paper with specific characteristics in line with a set of specifications and the customer’s requirements.

What qualities are needed to do your job?
I think an ability to stay calm is a very useful quality in this job. After that I’d say reflection, knowledge and, obviously, years of experience. But even now, you’re still learning new things.
Did you have any specific training?
I trained in paper making. I did a school course entirely dedicated to paper making; I did numerous placements in different paper mills, in different jobs and working on different types of cardboard and paper.

What does the ARCHES® brand mean to you?
For me ARCHES® is the symbol of a very high quality paper, and when I can drop it into conversation…. I say “I am a paper maker, I make the most beautiful paper in the world, and there are not many of us!”
In your opinion, how do artists see the ARCHES® brand?
I hope as positively as possible, because we do our best everyday.
Do you use ARCHES® paper?
No, I don’t use ARCHES® paper, but I do pay a lot of attention to the drawings and art I see. I always try and guess whether it’s a paper that might have come from the Vosges.
What would you like to say to the people reading this article?
Let’s work together and keep doing it for ever!