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Vincent Jeannerot

Vincent Jeannerot

Vincent Jeannerot

Vincent Jeannerot was born on 12 February 1961 in Lyon, in France. After an art-based baccalaureate, he studied at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Lyon. An internationally renowned botanical watercolourist, he teaches botanical watercolour classes and courses in Lyon and abroad. Vincent Jeannerot’s botanical watercolours awaken the emotions he feels when he is painting. His work requires close observation and precision. He captures the minutest of nuances, all the soft shadows and the details in the plants he chooses. He is a member of the Société Française de l’Aquarelle (SFA), the Société Française d’Illustration Botanique (SFIB), the American Society of Botanical Artists (ASBA) and, in the UK, the Society of Botanical Artists (SBA).

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