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Didier Clad

Didier Clad

Didier Clad is a plastic artist and copperplate engraver based in Kruth, in Alsace (France). An artist of thirty years, he has won several awards, including the Haut-Rhin Métiers d’Arts prize for copperplate engraving in 2000 (SEMA, Paris). Since 2015, Didier has been working on a boxed collection inspired by medieval bestiaries. Each year, he adds two new prints to the collection, each depicting a different animal, a souvenir of brief encounters in Kruth, the village where he lives in the Alsatian Vosges mountains. It is therefore a “book in progress”, an artistic work that he is developing over time. It is of course a metaphor for the garden of Eden, but also a sort of inventory of the technical possibilities offered by intaglio engraving in the creation of images. The “Bestiaire” collection currently consists of 16 prints.

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