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Les aventures de jolies madeleines

Gilles Marchal, one of France’s best chocolatiers, has just published a book in the La cuisine des poètes collection, Aventures de jolies madeleines.

In it he takes us on journey to his home region of Lorraine, introducing us to a series of recipes each more delicious than the last as well as some of his favourite places to eat.

The La cuisine des poètes collection launched in 2001 is the fruit of a conversation between a chef and the author.

It was at the presentation of the book Pot-au-feu au Bristol (in the same collection) that Gérard Guy first met Gilles Marchal, pastry chef at the Bristol at the time.

As he has never lost his attachment to the region of his birth and because it was a perfect fit for this prestige collection, Gilles Marchal wanted the limited edition of this handsome book to be printed on Velin d’ARCHES® paper.

Le salon de la gourmandise

Gilles Marchal, guest of honour at the 12th edition of this foodie event, will be signing copies of his book Aventures de jolies madeleines.

The event, which takes place this year from 19 to 21 November 2021 in Épinal, has built up a loyal team of chefs, including Joseph Viola, Christophe Felder and Angelo Musa, who regularly and graciously take time out of their busy schedules to take part.

This year the fair features 2 big names in gastronomy: Frédéric Jaunault, winner of the “best worker in France” (Meilleur Ouvrier de France) prize in the greengrocers’ category in  2011, and Jean-Christophe Michelet, world champion jam-maker in 2020 and 2021. On Saturday morning, Frédéric Jaunault will be giving a demonstration of his fruit sculpting skills.

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