“Regards croisés” by Patryck Vaucoulon
With the support of his association MYRICA, painter and illustrator Patryck Vaucoulon has just published a new book entitled “Regards croisés”. It contains 160 pages illustrated with 200 watercolours done largely on the spot, from hides in the Haut-Jura. This book on the western capercaillies of the Jura mountains is printed on ARCHES® Expression Velours 160 gsm paper specially made for the occasion.

Who is Patryck Vaucoulon
Now an animal painter, Patryck Vaucoulon is a former natural science teacher who cleverly combines his knowledge of nature with the art of illustration.
Having nurtured a passion for botany since childhood, he produced his first herbarium of alpine flora when he was just 17.
He is an excellent photographer and watercolourist. He took a course at the comic art school in Angoulême to fulfil a long-held dream of writing illustrated novels. He has several popular science books and a few comic strips to his name.
Patryck Vaucoulon is also an explorer and researcher. He has taken part in several scientific expeditions, particularly in the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, where he studied the king penguins on the Crozet Archipelago. He also spent six years prospecting the fabulous limestone formations of Ankarana in the north of Madagascar and discovering new botanical species.
In short, Patryck Vaucoulon is a passionate nature lover with a talent for combining scientific rigour with artistic beauty in his creative work.

“Nature isn’t beautiful, it’s our looking at it that makes it beautiful, that pierces our soul and regales our sensitivity. Nature isn’t grandiose, it’s our educated senses that magnify it. It compels us to stop and think and confronts our smallness with the giants of the elements and the beings that populate it. It inspires respect in those that can really see it.”
Patryck Vaucoulon

To purchase a copy of “Regards croisés”, contact the Association MYRICA, patryck.vaucoulon@orange.fr, tel. +33 (0) 3 80 55 64 10