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Joan Coch on Arches paper

Joan Coch, a prolific and passionate artist

Joan Coch is a Spanish artist with innate artistic skills. As a child, he already showed astonishing creative abilities, which he would go on, on to continually develop throughout his career as a professional artist in different fields: architecture, interior decoration, visual arts, painting.


En 2012, al ofrecer un papel específicamente adaptado a la pintura al óleo, ARCHES® Huile, el Molino de papel de Arches revolucionó y facilitó la práctica para muchos artistas adeptos de la pintura al óleo.
Youri Messen-Jaschin

ARTI’VIEW by ARCHES Youri Messen-Jaschin, an illusionist with immeasurable talent!

It’s art in motion. To grasp that, all you have to do is sit or stand – it doesn’t matter which – with your eyes riveted on one of my pictures. Quickly, sometimes very quickly, the world tips out of kilter. Some views will just be impressed by the exercise in patience that it took for the artist to invent these shapes repeated ad infinitum and which, taken together, give the work a whole other dimension.
Steve Mitchell watercolor

Steve Mitchell, passionate about watercolours

Steve Mitchell has been drawing since he was a child. When he was six, his mother gave him a “step-by-step” drawing book – and a passion for drawing was born. When he was about ten, he started to try out different media like graphite and charcoal, and gradually started to perfect his technique.
T’ang Haywen exhibition

T’ang Haywen exhibition at the Musée Guimet

An exceptional exhibition devoted to T’ang Haywen will be running from 17 June 2024 at the Musée Guimet (the National Museum of Asian Arts) in Paris. Entitled “Un peintre chinois à Paris” (A Chinese Painter in Paris), it reveals the tremendous talent of a great Chinese artist and contemporary of Zao Wou-Ki.
European Artistic Crafts Days

European Artistic Crafts Days

Didier Clad is an Alsatian artist who has won several awards, including the Métiers d’Arts prize for copperplate engraving in 2000 – Sema, Paris. He is a plastic artist, intaglio printmaker and publisher of artists’ books, and he has been selected by the Institut National des Métiers d´Art to take part in the 2024 event.
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